I Miss You

I try to write what I feel

 without letting a tear fall

 But it's harder than I thought

 Because everything I have now

 It is the most beautiful memories.


 As I grow your voice

 It's fading from my memory

 And I miss it more and more

 From everything we did.


 As long as there is a longing to remember

 I will continue to miss you

 As long as there are memories I will continue

 Writing what you miss,

 I won't forget you as long as I exist...


 I will fight to keep them all

 To my memories to be able to say

 that you are my hero on earth and now

 One more soul in heaven.


 I miss our moments

 I missed what made me happy

 And I didn't even know how happy I was

 forever i will remain trapped

 The day you left me...


 As long as there is a longing to remember

 I will continue to miss you

 As long as there are memories I will continue

 Writing what you miss,

 I won't forget you as long as I exist…  

                                                                                                             Vanessa Ferreira

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Minha Alma

Pássaro da liberdade